Chamber Convenes Public Policy Committee with New Mission

Local business leaders gathered at the Chamber this month for a sweeping conversation on bringing the business perspective to important community conversations.
The Chamber's Economic & Government Affairs Committee has been transformed into the Public Policy Committee, with a renewed commitment to impactful advocacy for business. The Committee's goal is to build an internal legislative and regulatory think tank to support the Chamber Board and all of our Round Tables.
The business community needs a stronger, more unified voice in conversations about transit and transportation, workforce development, housing, childcare, education and more. Through the Chamber's efforts, employers can play a greater role in improving the systems and infrastructure that serve their employees, allowing our community to attract and retain both companies and workers.
Co-chairs Dick Abidin of R. E. Lee Companies and Grant Tate of Bridge Business Transformations will lead the Public Policy Committee in its proactive work bringing business concerns to the forefront of local and regional policy discussions. Meanwhile, the Chamber is developing local partnerships to support our policy work with substantive data.
A Public Policy steering committee will be forming in the coming months. If you would like to be part of this work group, please send an email inquiry to Chamber President & CEO Elizabeth Cromwell at
Public Policy Committee meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. All meetings take place from 12pm to 1pm in the Chamber Conference Room. You may bring your own lunch.