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Submit a Member Announcement

Chamber members, use the form below to place a free announcement in Chamber News, our bi-weekly email newsletter to more than 4,000 subscribers.

Sample Announcement

Resources for Tourism Businesses
If you are a visitor-focused business in Charlottesville or Albemarle County, can help you boost your visibility! Check out the Partner opportunities. Learn more

Thanks for sharing your news! 

Chamber News is published twice each month, typically on the first and third Thursdays.

Please submit your announcement by close of business Tuesday for inclusion in that week's newsletter.

Announcements that are missing crucial information, such as how to register for an event, will not be published.

PDF images will not be displayed in the newsletter. Your announcement will include a link to view the PDF.

Limit one new announcement per month per member.

Only current Chamber members may submit announcements. Any outstanding dues must be settled before publication.

Questions? Please contact