Chamber Spotlight: Olivia Branch, Keswick Hall and Golf Club

What was your first job?
Travel babysitter for a family that traveled to horse shows throughout the east coast. I was 14 and loved it. We stayed at really nice properties, we dressed every night for dinner and there were lots of parties to attend
What work tools do you use every day?
My smile
Why did you choose the Charlottesville area?
It's home
What’s your favorite local activity for out-of-town guests?
Live music, Common House, McGuffy Art Center, Live Arts, wineries, cideries, Covenant Church
What’s your go-to comfort food?
Too many, but Rev Soup; Sticks; BBQ Exchange; Mel's Cafe
What is unique about your organization and the work you do in our community?
My job is to ensure people have a positive experience they want to share with others
What’s most important for the future of our regional business community?
More opportunities for small business to open, grow and flourish
What were you like in high school?
Well, voted Most Witty, does that tell ya'?
What's the best advice you ever got (or gave)?
Let people smell their flowers while they can (my father)
What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you at work?
Ha, too many of those to tell just one....
What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?
Wow, I'll be in my 70's, so volunteering and working a really fun part-time job that involves hospitality
Who do you cheer for, and why?
Those that feel hopeless, those that feel their lives can't change, because it can!
Who are you grateful to, and why?
The mentors in my life, spiritual leaders and lifelong friends. They keep me moving forward, balanced and definitely make me laugh
What’s your most prized possession?
My faith!