Chamber Spotlight: Will Woldenberg, Entegrit

What does your organization do?
Entegrit is the first veteran-owned management consultancy to be a Certified B-Corporation. As project management & communications experts, we advise our clients on strategic planning, initiative implementation, organizational transformation, and leadership training. So if you’re trying to do good, we’ll help you do better.
What was your first job?
Two different jobs - for full time work, I was an Account Executive for a minor league hockey team. I was also a Platoon Leader (2LT) in the Army National Guard.
How did you choose the field you're in?
When I left my active duty service in the Army, I wanted to help people solve systemic issues within organizations. Management Consulting is one field that helps to address those concerns.
What is unique about your organization and the work you do in our community?
My company is the first veteran-owned management consultancy to be a certified B-Corp. While I'm new to the community, the work I've done with other for and non profit organizations at Entegrit has helped to implement community-focused renewable and cleaner energy initiatives, improve fundraising efforts for non profits, prepare clean energy proposals for state regulatory authorities, and develop business cases for potential green products.
What is something about you that most people don't know?
I've studied 4 different martial arts and am a black belt in tae kwon do.
What's your favorite local activity or place to go?
Since moving to Charlottesville, we haven't really had the chance to explore. I do love the bookstores downtown, though.
Why did you choose the Charlottesville area?
My wife was offered a faculty position in the PT program at Mary Baldwin University.
What do you believe is most important for the future of our region?
The challenge for smaller cities is the same as it ever was - keeping and maintaining talent from relocating. This is a really unique small city given the university, federal presence, and proximity to Richmond and DC. But talent retention isn't solvable by business alone.
What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?
At that point, I hope to be retired from the Army Reserve. In addition to my current work at Entegrit, I'm an amateur writer. I hope to be able to publish as well as lead my company.
Who do you cheer for, and why?
Give me any NBA game and I'll find something or someone to cheer for.
What's the best advice you ever got (or gave)?
"In leadership, setting the example isn't just a big thing - it's the only thing." Heard that nearly 20 years ago and the more I work with organizations, the more it holds true.
What do you like about being a Chamber member?
As a new member in the time of COVID (and a new resident of Charlottesville), I like that the Chamber will help introduce me to people and companies in the area.