Chamber Spotlight: MPS Community Book Sale

MPS Community Book Sale
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Session #1 9-10:30am; Session #2 10:30am-12pm
Shared by Carleen Lane, Executive Assistant, MPS.
After having to cancel for the past two years due to COVID, MPS is again holding its annual Community Book Sale at the MPS returns facility in Orange, VA.
This is a community event unlike any other in the central Piedmont area, Macmillan will be opening up its warehouse doors for every reader in the house. With more than 100,000 titles distributed across the country, visitors will have an opportunity to purchase gently worn copies of modern classics and the newest bestsellers from the entire Macmillan family of publishers.
Teachers / Librarians / School Administration - great opportunity to refresh and restock.
Looking for items to donate to various charitable organizations this year: give the gift of reading!
We are opening the event to the public by invitation only. To request your invitation, contact
Conditions of Sale:
- Invitation only. Two people per invite.
- Purchased books cannot be resold.
- All purchases are subject to review and approval.