BWRT Mindset and Mingle

Business Women's Round Table (BWRT) June 15, 2023
BWRT met at Hillsdale Conference Center for a workshop on mindset, time to reflect on goals, and an opportunity to learn from each other during table discussions.
After attendees met new Chamber President Natalie Masri, Co-chairs Ariel Bredder and Nadirah Muhammad led a time for women to reflect on their personal and professional goals. By thinking through their goal setting practices, women shared their thoughts and struggles on the goals that they have set for this year.
While some people loved goal-setting, others expressed their anxieties with it. Both were welcome in the space. Expert goal-setters gave advice on how to make goals more attainable and less daunting. Others were able to find more people who shared their feelings and feel less alone in their struggles.
BWRT provided a space and community for local women to meet and talk about their professional experiences.